Thursday, June 22, 2006

Kaitlyn is doing well since surgery and Grayson is now in CCN

Kaitlyn's doctor says that she is doing well since her surgery on Tuesday afternoon. She is swollen and still on the vent but he is pleased with her progress. They are going to try and start her feeding tomorrow.

Grayson is now 2 lbs 6.8 oz and he is feeding on 14 cc's every 3 hours. He is in the "CCN" (continuing care nursery) and is breathing on his own.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Just got off the phone with Grayson's doctor and they had to put him back on the ventilator overnight. He was tiring himself out trying to breathe on his own. He is also having to get some more blood this morning.

Kaitlyn had a good night except that they lost the IV in her foot which means another stick for her sometime in the very near future.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

How much more can she take????

We just found out today that Kaitlyn will have to have another surgery this week to correct another problem she has. She has a vessel between her lungs and heart that did not close properly and it is allowing blood to leak into her lungs.

I wish the could just cut me open instead of her. She has a bruise right now that covers her entire left forearm where they tried to give her an IV. She is so tiny and having to go through so much. I wish I could do it all for her.

Grayson came off his CPAP this afternoon and is once again breathing on his own. He is now taking 10 cc's of breast milk every 3 hours.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Another update on Kaitlyn and Grayson

Kaitlyn had to go back on the ventilator yesterday. She kept dropping her heart rate and having alot of apnea spells. They had to take off her ostomy bag because it was pulling on her incision and caused her incision to open up. The incision site may be infected but she is already on antibiotics for it. She also had to have her 3rd blood transfusion.

Grayson went back on CPAP, which blows a constant stream of oxygen into his lungs. He has been having alot of heart rate drops and apnea spells also. His lab tests were off so they had to do a lumbar puncture to see if he might have an infection. The prelimenary results showed no infection but we have to wait 24-48 hours to see if something grows in the culture. He also had to have his 3rd blood transufusion.

On a good note, Grayson is up to 2 pounds and is taking 7.5 cc every 3 hours of breast milk.Kaitlyn has gained 2 ounces this week and weighs 1 pound 7 ounces

Thursday, June 8, 2006

Quick update on Kaitlyn and Grayson

Things are good today. We have to take it on an hour-by-bour basis.

Kaitlyn is still at Children's Hospital in the NICU and will be there until she is on what they call "full-feed" and gaining weight. We hope to get her back with Grayson within about 3 more weeks. She is off the respirator and on 25% O2 which is very good and on a nasal cannolus. She has not lost any more weight but has not gained any either. She is 1 lb 8 oz.

Grayson is doing good. He is on 27% O2 and breathing on his own. He is taking 1 cc of breast milk through a feeding tube every 3 hours and is tolerating it well. He is up to 1 lb 14 oz. He is still in the NICU At UAB.

They are both still having a lot of apnea spells but they tell us they expect that to happen with preemies.

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Another lumbar puncture for both babies

Now Grayson has had to have a another lumbar puncture.Both had to have lumbar punctures right after they were born to check for infection and try to figure out why Kaitlyn's sack ruptured.

Kaitlyn had to have another one on Wednesday. The called at 1:30 am this morning requesting consent for Grayson to have another one also. They are looking for an infection because of his temp and the change in his girth. Right now we are just waiting to hear back from the cultures which could take up to 72 hours.

This has all been overwhelming.

Friday, June 2, 2006

Kaitlyn was transferred to Children's Hospital last night for emergency surgery. She had to have an ileostomy . They removed 10 centimeters of her small intestine. Both babies are doing good this morning.

Daddy got to hold Grayson for about 20 minutes today.

We are home now and I am going to try and get some rest before I totally collapse.

Born Too Soon

Born Too Soon

Born Too Soon

Born Too Soon

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