Thursday, November 30, 2006

Synagis shots and weight gain

The nurse just came to the house to give Kaitlyn and Grayson their Synagis shots

Ready for this?!?!?!

Grayson weighs 14 lbs 14 oz and Kaitlyn weighs 10 lbs 2 oz,

That is a long way from 2 lbs 3 oz and 2 lbs aint it?

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Update on Grayson's Upper GI

The doctor's office called and said that everything on the Upper GI looked great. Grayson has no other internal problems besides the reflux. They told us to just keep going with the liquid Prevacid and the cereal in his formula and they will see him next month

Monday, November 20, 2006

Grayson and the Upper GI

He was a little champ. The test itself probably only took about 15 minutes and he did great! He does have Grade 3 reflux but we are waiting to hear from the to see if there are any other problems. The new medication is working great and you can tell that my feels much better.

He and Kaitlyn are both settled in now and doing well.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Preemies and reflux

Grayson has to go in tomorrow to Children's Hospital for an upper GI due to his reflux. My poor little guy.

They told us to be sure to bring a bottle that he likes to eat out of. He has to drink that white chalky stuff. Yuck.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

They are still growing

Kaitlyn - My pretty girl
Grayson - My big boy


Tuesday, November 7, 2006

New pictures

Smiling at each other

Look at that smile :-)

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Prematurity and its affects on the babies

Both Kaitlyn and Grayson were born at low birth weights. Kaitlyn weighed 2 pounds and was 13 1/2 inches long. Grayson weighed 2 pounds 3 ounces and was 13 3/4 inches long.

Kaitlyn had the following issues:

Ventilator, CPAP and Nasal Cannulus due to lungs not being fully developed. Treated with sufacant the day after birth. Had severe apnea and bradycardia spells.
Anemia - had to have many blood transfusions.
PDA - treated with a ligation. Released from cardiologist on 10/31/06
NEC - 1st time had to have an ileostomy. 2nd time treated with antibiotics. Regular check ups with the surgeon
ROP Stage III - treated with antibody injections in her eyes. Monthly check ups with the Retina specialist.
Bilateral Hydronephrosus with Grade II Kidney reflux - treated with antibiotics and regular visits to the urologist.
Broken femur due to calcium deficiency caused by NEC.
Kaitlyn has a flat spot on the right side of her head due to lying on her right side for so long in the NICU.
Kaitlyn had a problem with weight gain due to surgery and NEC.
Synagis shots on a monthly basis during RSV season.

Grayson had the following issues:

Ventilator, CPAP and Nasal Cannulus due to lungs not being fully developed. Treated with sufacant the day after birth. Had severe apnea and bradycardia spells.
Anemia - had to have many blood transfusions.
PDA - treated with endocine to close up PDA. Still seeing cardiologist due to the fact that the PDA is not completely closed yet. Also, had a tiny VSD (hole in heart).
IVH Grade II brain bleed - self corrected.
Grayson is farsighted due to prematurity.
Bilateral Hydronephrosus with Grade II Kidney reflux - treated with antibiotics and regular visits to the urologist.
Grade III Acid Reflux - treated with liquid Prevacid and adding rice cereal to his bottle.

Born Too Soon

Born Too Soon

Born Too Soon

Born Too Soon

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