Thursday, August 10, 2006

Just wanted to give you an update. The babies are now 10.5 weeks old.

Grayson weighs 4 lbs 7.4 oz and is taking all his feeds by bottle. He is off his amonophylline and was moved to an open crib on Tuesday morning. I have been able to breastfeed him once a day and he is doing great with that.

Kaitlyn is still struggling. They changed her from breastmilk to Pregestimil about a week and a half ago. They seem to think that this will help her gain weight. As of this morning she weighs 3 lbs 5.6 oz. That is down from a high of 3 lbs 7 oz. They are slowly trying to reintroduce her to breastmilk. They have started letting me nurse her once per day with yesterday being the first time. She did great.She is such a little trooper and it breaks my heart to see her struggling like this.

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Born Too Soon

Born Too Soon

Born Too Soon

Born Too Soon

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